Subhas Chandra Chakra

Subhas Chandra Chakra Poems

Waiting of the millennium

Ended, at this

Tears rolled down,

As I climbed up the hill.

I call him a poet
Who beautifies his loneliness
Sitting all alone

A handful of dreams and desires

In a fortnight of Spring is


While you whispered
In my ears of longing

I am your neighbour
When your house is
Under fire or in flood.

Your signature of loving touch

Written on wet sand of my heart

So often today
You have entered me,
Like a cool summer breeze,
Through the Sun-burnt grooves.

As the Sun
Seeps into the bones,
A gust of wild wind
Carries an uneven blow

How many days have you
Come along the road of my life?
How often have you dear
Cajoled the dreams of my nights? ?

କେଉଁ ଦୁନିଆ କୁ

ଚାଲି ଗଲ ସଖୀ

Dipped and merged
In the dire darkness,
He is the one

You are the tireless creator

Laying dozens of eggs like a hen-

A virtue of the half-Gods

Burning the last candle of the life

I want not
that greatness of an ocean
that never touches the land
that never bathes

A poet

Is someone

କାଲି ପରି ଆଜି
ସକାଳେ ସୂରୁଯ
ଅବିର ବୋଳୁଚି
ଆକାଶର ସୀମନ୍ତ ରେ।

A celebration day of colours

to paint the canvas of hearts with

Subhas Chandra Chakra Biography

Biography Part 1 Place of Birth: He was born in Sainkul, a remote village in the district of Kendujhar of Odisha, India as the third child to Durga Charan Chakra and Sukanti Lata Chakra, in a family of the royal clan that migrated from Rajasthan and settled under the direct assistance of the then king of the princely state of Keonjhar of Odisha, Maharaja Govind Bhanja, during the Sixties of 15th Century while India was yet to become a British Colony. About His Family Background: His father was a very talented student of the district in his childhood and topped the ranks in every class all through his Educational life. Keonjhar during the pre-independence era was a very underdeveloped, tribal district lacking in many aspects. There were only three High Schools in the district, one per Subdivision. He was educated in one of the schools in spite of his poor economic background and succeeded in graduating from it. It was during these days of sufferings that he vowed to work for the upliftment of his people. In spite of many lucrative high salaried jobs available to him, he joined the department of Education, a job that had no promises, no financial progress, and the least reimbursement. Some of his class mates joined other high-salaried jobs and later on became millionaires, while he remained a poor ideal teacher working in the far remote tribal-dominated places which were known as malarial belts. He never forgot the difficulties he faced in educating himself. Later on, he made him unsettled by resigning from his Government Teacher's job and started founding Schools in his native area, against the will of the landlords. Gradually he gained people's support for the great cause. There were two M.E. Schools, a High School which flourished to become one of the best in the State later on. He emerged as one of the most loved, popular, and highly regarded as Friend, Philosopher, and Guide for almost all the students of the locality. He taught the Mother tongue Odia, Sanskrit, English, and Mathematics as and when required by the school. Being a great scholar and an expert in Yoga, he motivated the whole society toward socio-cultural integrity. He was a great Essayist, Poet, Story writer, Dramatist, and Musician. He directed a dozen Dramas, melodramas, and Plays. Many of his Novels, Poetry collections, and Dramas although read and enjoyed by the people around, remained unpublished. He was a voracious reader too, to facilitate this he had started a library at home as well as in different villages nearby. Much of his salary was spent on books purchased either for Libraries or for poor, needy, and meritorious students. He gave free coaching for a period of over 25 years to all the students of the school. His home was a Centre of attraction for all-it was a temple of knowledge, a stadium for the Yogic inspirations, and a tiny University. And within two decades of the establishment of the School, a college could be founded, that in the present day serves the educational need of about a few thousand students. His Father's Inspirations on the Poet: Right from the early days of childhood, his children were greatly impressed by the reformist activities and Yogic attitude of their father. Mastery over languages and grammar, discussions at home with learned people across the state on topics from religion and philosophy to literature and epics modified the young minds at home to a great extent. All of his four brothers were the best students in each class. They were all interested in books of any theme. They were motivated to listen to the Radio on a regular basis. Epics, Tales from different countries, Classical and folk songs from Radio, Plays, and film songs were the hobbies naturally built up in all of them. Early Interests of the Poet: Unlike his eldest Journalist brother, writing for eminent English dailies of the country, and his elder brother worked as a German Professor in an Indo-German Collaborative project for the popularization of the German language in Asian Countries, the poet Subhas was interested in Natural Sciences and Mathematics and learning Music more than anything. He used to go swimming, climb trees and the hills in the suburb, gazing stars in the sky at night with his self-made telescope, observe the life and activities of birds and insects under his self-made Microscope, and make a note of his studies and a diary of the events around. He was a lover of nature and natural landscapes. His mother Sukanti Lata, a housewife, impressed and trained him as a lover of cleanliness, symmetry, integrity, communal harmony, and love for the neighborhoods and the environment. Singing songs, Playing Banjo, Reading books, and Playing football or Hockey were their early interests. Gradually Mathematics, Books, and Music took over all other hobbies. The Youth In the early days, his father toiled hard to back the rising fiscal deficits. Rising prices, Growing children, and low salary were the hurdles that squeezed his social life. He took extra low-paid tuitions to sustain the increasing need of the family but failed. Subhas had to undertake tuition at a very early college-going phase of his life to sustain himself. His increasing craze for studying Physics and Mathematics knew no bounds. Some lecturers of his colleagues were very sensitive towards him and arranged for him some high-paying tuition so that he could save two hours a day and complete his education there as one of the high-scoring students. During this period he came in contact with a few eminent scholars of the state as either his classmates, hostel mates or college mates. Two of the great professors in English, Braja Mohan Mishra and Jayanta Mohapatra impressed him a lot and invoked a literary interest in him. His eldest brother Shyamhari edited a wall magazine " The Horizon" which helped build a literary forum within his heart. The Other elder brother Dusmanta was no less a talented orator and poet in the native language Odia. He edited the wall magazine and the college magazine Purabi. His poems in Odia also inspired him to write. But he was not able to write anything other than composing a few rhyming lyrics. However, his first successful poem was a translation of the Poem " The Blind Boy" by C.Cibber. Whatever he tried to write, be it good or ordinary he always shared it first with his inspiring father who never saw anything wrong in it, and there was always a hint to improve. Early Literary Activities: Life at Bhubaneswar gave him access to the State Library where he studied as many as 3000 books on varied interests-Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Physics, English literature, Odia literature, and a lot more. He was during this time exposed to a literary group of young poets of the state, Saturday's Creative Evenings. Some of those great personalities were Bhabesh Sahoo, Saroj Jena, Tuhinansu Rath, Kabir Sethy, Basant Kumar Biswal, Susant Sahoo, Santosh Pattanayak, Saradendu Mishra, Deepak Mishra, Dr. Dilip Nayak, Dr. Ramakant Rath, Mohapatra Nilamani Sahoo and Dr. Chitta Ranjan Das who were the eye-openers for him. The study of the evolution of poetry through the ages was somehow complete during this period and he got a glimpse of world literature. He decided to run a life of migrations instead of a constant job. To have a clear experience of the vast socio-geographical diversities of the country, he started traveling through different parts of the country, periodic earning and periodic spending were all that he did those days. He worked as a secondary school teacher and as a Mathematics or Physics lecturer in different places across the country. It helped him breathe the real air and smell the deep human emotions and their variations at varying coordinates of Time or Space. To be continued Part-2)

The Best Poem Of Subhas Chandra Chakra

After We Met - 01

Waiting of the millennium

Ended, at this

Moment of Our beautiful Meeting,

Those eyes, the same face,

With the same hazel eyes..

With the same bluish looks.

It was the moment,

The moment of our union

After infinite waiting

For ages, for lives

For being one with you

For quenching all the blue thirst

The thirst for being with you

Along the roads of the days.

Around the beds of nights,

En route to the road till Death.

With that single look you cast

You brought back in me

Every thing that I had lost

In the dustbin of Time

All those moments of ecstasy:

full of your looks and smiles,

Touches Bathed with

Your Smells and fragrances

I got myself back.

Subhas Chandra Chakra Comments

Seema Sharma Rimi 11 June 2016

I have felt a subtle closeness and a pure passion for the poet and the creative being in him. His poems make me nostalgic about my own teen age, for which I am drawn towards his poems almost everyday. His poems have been rich in emotions and pure passionate love for the woman of his dream. He must be a true lover. I have got to read only 3 of his 34 compilations of poem books he wrote in his native language Odia. He had their manuscripts only, still to get published. Some of the poems published here appear to have been translated afterwards. I loved the odia versions too. He would, in my view, be regarded oneday as one of the greatest poet on love poems, once all his poems are published. Although in a different profession that leaves little scope or outlet for him to concentrate on poetry, I don't understand how he manages to compose poems. One of the greatest mathematical talent with a pure heart and a refined life style, I adore his personality a lot.

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D Priyanka Singh 10 May 2022

I am of the same opinion, dear Madam.

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Sanjukta Sahoo 02 November 2017

Your efforts in bringing the great philosophy of sages like Sri Aurobindo down to the realm of people of common strata will be self rewarding. Thanks a lot for these creative work.

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Sabita Sahoo 08 June 2016

Ever since I read his poetry, I have felt an undercurrent within me for his poems. His mastery over and choice of words for the exact occasion has overwhelmed me. Earlier I had known him as the best Mathematics lecturer I have ever met or had heard of.. but of very late I learnt that he could write so elegantly. I wish him a great success in every walk of his life. I would love to remain his fan for the remaining days of my life. Sabita

59 1 Reply
Sarah Mkhonza 29 August 2016

This poem is so lovely because the images take us all over to see this love that is being explained to us. I see myself in the stanzas and see some of the author's musings and just love this expression that is so much of the depth that is our experience. Please keep on focusing us on the good things in life. I find it very nostalgic too.

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Dakota Makena 13 January 2022

L dad

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Dakota Makena 13 January 2022

my dad killed himself over this poem

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Caden douglas 13 January 2022

im really obese and these poems make me hungey but i use it as motivation to go to NIP once a week

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Caden douglas 13 January 2022

I come from a small town in Britt iowa on 210 street out in the country just south of hutchins and honestly you blow mega co\

1 0 Reply
Manisha Rani Baral 13 December 2020

Thank you Sir for inviting me to this world of poetry. I would try my level best to be a real lover of poetry and make my road on this lovely path of creativity a long one.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra Quotes

Better kill me than killing my time.

Everyone loves protection, but nobody loves protectors.

Love is a war between the ones who want to possess and the ones who want to belong.

War is a venom that kills the snake producing it at last.

Love is a sweet accident between two souls in same direction but different pace.

Wars initiate Borders, Borders initiate wars.

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