Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab Poems

Heavenly cursed and heavily sinned I
No more i like to add them, so, I want to die
And I want to become a holy ghost
Whom the people would like the most.

Sometimes I wonder
If there is a better species than me
But I found after so much search and hard work
Human being is the supreme

So many people have sung so many songs
On and from earth to heaven
but they have not sung me
I am the song

I know what seeing is!
As I saw you that day for the first time
So I know what liking is!

The sight of the hills is a beauty
The bright moon is the sign of purity
The flow of the river is a murmuring music
The act of the sun is so philanthropic.

I love my love
As love should love
But you never love
As my love should love me.

The first poem was a wonder
The second was a surprise.
The third poem made me a poet,
The fourth gave me a name and fame.

A lot of praise and admiration I got when I was full of innocence
Now, I am under crook clumsy seductive adolescence.
Keeping head straight, running life difficult a lot
Sensing the senses makes me a bewildered pot.

Out of love
I can take tricks and schemes
But from the beautiful faces
I won't take lies..

I stood straight
Legs were one foot wide
Fingers were one inch apart
Suddenly, I threw my hands up.

In between my decorative cover
I laid a lot of colourful words
In red, blue, green and white
In black, sorrow and pain

Oh, butterfly, butterfly,
why do you flutter by?
Why can not you fly straight,
and have any weapons to fight?

When the burden of life is
too much

as the rain

Oh! Teacher, Oh! Teacher,
If you, one day, become my student,
and I become your Teacher.
Before I teach you

Submission to God without reasoning repels me a lot,
Puppet-ism makes my blood hot,
Bleeds me into two horns,
Reasoning encourages me to ask,


Oh! Mirror the most loveable, cunning queen
You reflect in mostly whatever you have seen.
Face is the mirror of the soul
Literature is the face of the society as a whole


If a dream
Breaks even
In a dream
You get hurt

Life is a song,
Life is a poem.
Be happy in delirium doom,
Laugh loudly even in gloom.

I beg to thee
I pray to thee.
The most gracious, the most merciful,
The most pious, the most beautiful.

If you bring forth a thought
To compare then you must wonder
What a man I am, awkward
No one is like me

The Best Poem Of Abdul Wahab

>≫≫I Want To Die

Heavenly cursed and heavily sinned I
No more i like to add them, so, I want to die
And I want to become a holy ghost
Whom the people would like the most.
Like the retreating soldiers I like to come back
To my own permanent and eternal home
You may call it a suicide or martyrdom.

In my real home I see the news
Coming from the lipstick coated lips
In the television of my molten death
People are sobbing with a heavy breath.
The atmosphere is heavy and they feel the pain
This thrills me and gives a feeling of gain.

The only son of my father
The only darling of my mother
Fainted repeatedly on the cushion
Peal like tear drops coming from my beloved son,
Friends and relatives express grief in the community hall,
All these excite me and I sought to say'' I love you all.''

For the first time in my life in my last ritual I listen
From those men that I was really a very very good man.
In such intense atmosphere of gloom and sad
My heart cheers and I become too much glad.

death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death
death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death

death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death
death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death death
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Abdul Wahab Comments

Ric Bastasa 29 June 2013

congratulations Abdul. You made it to the top. You are now the greatest and most famous poet in the world. I am very happy for you. Cheers! ! ! !

17 9 Reply
Wahab Abdul 19 July 2014

on poem ''poet'' Oh! Poetic Raiyn3 hours ago This is very interesting, words flow nicely a great free verse choice! Love it Comment 0 Amazing Molly Charles3 hours ago I really love the imagery your poem provides. It is absolutely beautiful. Your poem reminds me of the poet Maya Angelou. I love it!

13 10 Reply
Heather Wilkins 22 July 2013

Abdul Wahab is a wonderful poet. He reaches deep within himself and reveals his true emotions. He has only been writing a few years and has accomplished so much. Abdul is one of my favorite poets.

12 9 Reply
Heather Wilkins 30 June 2013

congratulations Abdul. At the top is where you deserve to belong friend. Keep up the great writing and remain there. I am delighted for you.

11 8 Reply
Shahzia Batool 29 June 2013

Many congratulations for being the number one on the scales of poetry, as i remember this is the 2nd time you have earned this honour...Even more important than rising on these scales is the fondness and eagerness of learning and practicing various forms of poetry, you are keen to improve that is your positive point, and the good thing in any learner, as we all are. Congrats again!

9 7 Reply
Soran M. H 21 December 2019

amazing poems by great poet, all the best, well done many thanks

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Wahab Abdul 13 May 2019

Poetry will vanish tonight or my mind will explode So the stern warning is, keep distance or pull aside

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Wahab Abdul 22 February 2019

Peace is an option And war is compulsory No reason for you Still you can be attacked upon

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Kumarmani Mahakul 19 October 2018

On behalf of PH family, all fellow poets and our family, we offer a title of honour to poet Abdul Wahab as, Loving Identity (প্রেমময় পরিচয়) . From today onward he will be known as Loving Identity Abdul Wahab. In Bangla he will be known as প্রেমময় পরিচয় আবদুল ওয়াহাব. In Urdu he will be known as محبت کی شناخت عبدالوہاب. This title of honour is offered to him due to his valuable contribution to the literature. We hope all fellow poets and visitors will like this.

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Wahab Abdul 31 August 2017

এটাও হয় ওটাও হয় এটাও হয় ওটাও হয়, যখন যা মন চায় তাই হয় এখানেও হয় ওখানেও হয়, হয় তো ভাই সবই শুধু চাই দ্বিচারিতা আর যুতসই খেয়াল হয়ে যায় এবং হয়ে যাবে পার পেয়ে যাবে সর্ব জায়গায় তবে ভাই বেছে বেছে যেও সেইখানেই যেখানে পাওয়া যায় বিনা পয়সায় হাওয়া হাওয়া খেয়ে খেয়ে হয়তো বা হবে বেলুন কিংবা ফুলে হবে রুটি হয়তো বা উপরে যাবে নয়তো বা থাকবে নীচে উনুন যখন যাবে তখন ডানা যেন থাকে ঠিক নইলে বুজেছ ভাই, পড়ে গেলেই যাবে ভেঙে ভুঙ্গে কিংবা চাপ পেলেই বেশি যাবে ফেটে ফুটে তখন তলার মানুষ তলা দিয়ে নেবে তোমায় লুটে ।

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Abdul Wahab Quotes

‘' No idea is an idea if it does not take out ignorance and eliminate poverty ‘'

''' Love for knowledge is equal to love for life''........nw

'' Who love knowledge they love themselves''.........nw

'' No words are words if they are not used to sharp your mind and bend you to seek knowledge''..........nw

'' A thoughtful face is better than a smiling face.''........nw

'' Accumulating knowledge of any sorts is better than any kinds of worshiping ''......nw

'' Innovative or creative mind is a mind chosen by God ''.............nw

''Communal-ism and racism is a mind set, too narrow to accumulate a good wish for all, expand your mind like a broad high way where everyone can travel without being asked the color of their skin and the religion they believe.''...........nw

‘' Show people by doing what you believe but be not a hypocrite by preaching what you do not believe ‘' ….nw

‘'Neither drag me away from the creator nor pull me away from this world, anything excessive of this kind is extremism and you know extremism is very bad for everyone in every situation, no matter in which form it comes ‘' … NW

‘' What you want to see in others then adopt them all in you first ‘'.. nw

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