Poetry Heaven Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

Poetry Heaven

Rating: 4.9

Last night I went to bed at eleven
And dreamed I went to Poetry Heaven.
Keeper of the Gate was not Saint Peter
But Robert Frost - - hey, what could be sweeter?

The first person I saw up there
was sitting in a golden chair.
It was my good friend, Hank Beuning,
And a golden guitar he was tuning.

Hank, I said, I've known you for years.
We've had some laughs, we've had some tears,
And I never knew you played the guitar!
He said, well, I don't, at least not so far,
But I've got lots of time with little to do
So I thought I might try to learn something new.

I walked a little farther in
And saw my new friend Mandolyn...
playing on her... violin.

And there's my friend, Maddalena Biela
with her husband, he's a handsome fella.

Udiah was there with Heather Burns
And they were sitting, taking turns
Writing the words to their new poem,
Their collaborative, classic poem about love
And it went like this:

love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love

I marveled at their poem and all the words on it
And said, They've written a LOVELY sonnet!

Then whom should I meet next?
Why, it was James McLain,
Just reading some old text
And he could not refrain
from asking himself:
Is it poetry?

Mr. Spock was there with his pointy ears
But he said he hadn't seen Kirk for years.

Argentine Tango was eating a mango.
She's a person, you know, and not just a dance,
And so pretty you cannot resist just a glance.

Bull Hawking - - I asked him if he was Steven's Cousin
And he assured me that he wasn't.

As I went on, continuing my walk,
I met the Electric Lady, and she gave me quite a shock.

Then there was Valsa George; I spoke to her with ease.
(Does she know her name means 'Waltz' in Portuguese?)

Uzefa Rashida was there dressed in white,
and she certainly was a lovely sight.

There was E Nigma, Ima Ryma and Gajanan,
Deep Dark Soul Poet and RoseAnn,
Sandra and Lawrence and even Noreen
And a whole bunch of others that I had never seen.

I wandered on, enjoying my hike,
And met a young poet named Smith, Mike.

I walked for a few miles, yet my feet didn't even hurt,
then I came face to face with the famous Kelly Kurt!

I encountered a handsome young lad
Who said that his name was Old Dad.
But I knew him by sight.
'Twas Wes Vogler, all right;
And to see him I surely was glad!

I walked a little more,
Then suddenly I was lost,
And there I was again
In front of Robert Frost.

I said, Say, I wonder, can you answer me one thing?
Why haven't I seen Poe or Shakespeare or Browning?
He said, Oh, you won't find them here
In this part of Poetry Heaven.
This is just the Poem Hunter wing!

Then he said I hate to tell you this,
But there's been a big mistake.
It seems that here you don't belong!

... Then I was wide awake.

Poetry Heaven
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: humor
A light-hearted look at some of the members I have met on Poem Hunter. Posted 31 January 2015 in Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Modified 03 April 2016, again 06 April 2016, again 02 May 2016. Wes Vogler limerick stanza added 15 Feb 2017. Note: On 24 March 2015 this poem was selected as Member Poem of the Day. This was the first of thirteen of my poems so far to be selected. Thank You, Poem Hunter! Another Note: at one time this poem was # 248 on the top 500 poems, but I have deactivated it several times to see which other poems Poem Hunter would put in its place on my poet page, and the last time I checked, it had dropped completely off the top 500. Note,12 January 2023: When Poem Hunter went to their new system, they discontinued the top 500 list. Now they have the top 100 member Poems, and this poem is not on the list, but another one of mine is: 'Totally Unacceptable'.
Dee Corpolongo 11 February 2017

What a fun, and awesome poet you are! and a man of his word, that I am amazed that you are for real! ! ! Love your writing and contests. You are the best!

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Kim Barney 13 March 2019

Dee, such kind words. Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I stopped writing anything new for a time and almost left Poem Hunter. There are still two ongoing contests...

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Kim Barney 28 December 2021

Thank you, Dee, for the comment and your participation in the contests.

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Cowboy Ron Williams 14 November 2023

This poem is STILL hanging on the 'Best Member Poem' list at number 95! It's a great poem!

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Bri Edwards 30 August 2023

3rd stanza: my favorite so far AND...Ah! James McLain, formerly 'Is It Poetry', now writes using 'James McLain'. If you read one of his NEWER poems, you might not think HE wrote it. : )

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Belle Wassermeister 29 August 2023

Hey, Kim, this poem is still on the Best Member Poem list at # 94. Congratulations!

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Belle Wassermeister 04 August 2023

Jus revisiting this wonderful poem. It is still on the 'Top Member Poem' list at # 90.

3 0 Reply

This poem is among the top ten Love Poems featured on PoemHunter. Congratulations, Kim.

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Cowboy Ron Williams 14 November 2023

I was surprised when you said that PH had classified this poem as a LOVE poem, but sure enough, it is listed there. Probably because of the LOVELY sonnet that is included in it.

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Cowboy Ron Williams 14 November 2023

LOVE poems? ? ? ? ?

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Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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