indira babbellapati Comments

Images creep out of the ordinary in Ms Babbellapati's poems. Images imagined, real, surreal, of intense thought, and action simply take shape out of no where. Dreams, rains, monsoon, water drops from the roofs, waves, sea in action, nature, and fellow beings show up elsewhere. It's then only a matter of choice of words. She chooses them with utmost precision and leads us precisely to where she wants us to go.We then get lost in a world of its own design.

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Shahzia Batool 20 June 2012

.PROSE - words in their best order POETRY- the best words in their best order... S.T.Coleridge Ms. Babbellapati knows this art fully.She uses language most precisely and exploits all of the resources of language wonderfully in order to convey her meaning to the conscious reader.From the long mythical poems and series work to the short Senryus n haikus, her diction varies according to the ends she wishes to achieve. She decides it by the nature of the literary form, the subject n the style .Her poems sometimes serve as Idylls to describe a euphoric environment which is remotely attainable. Her pages are a welcome shelter away from the worries n woes of the my little contact i found her a learned person, an affectionate lady, n a wonderful poet..

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Allemagne Roßmann 08 October 2011

It has been transcending through a couple of odd years moving on towards the forefront of the third since the read on Miss Indira Babbellapati`s poems are spraying lemons on the sins of life and its dire consequences-sorrows, losses, gains, wins, passions, regrets in all allegories and rhetorics.The verses are also precise and lucid and therefore forays with all-from henchmen to bugbears, from learner to learned as we are all beaten slowly slowly from life to death.But in her poems the minds somehow feel be invested where damp squibs of daily life are turned with her touch into real and resplendent stuffs-truths so acidic and loaded with the contemptible art of cluttered expletives for me especially who is a lily-livered writer.But ever since i know is that the what i called a slice of life was never fulfilled until it guzzled up the dishes of Miss Babbellapati edge-on-the-seat where it starts and meanders.In German-ausgezeichnet and in English-outstanding.

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Patrick A. Martin 10 October 2009

Indir Babbellapati is a poet of distinction. A sculturess of the written word. When looking for gems that sparkle go to her page you won't be diappointed. Patrick A Martin

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Pitilosi Mdala 20 September 2009

I am so into sand sculpture

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Ranjit Ravindran 17 September 2009

An angel of goodwill with childlike innocence, Lively and cheerfulness in abundance, Caring mother with great patience, Teacher by profession with exceptional brilliance, Poet at heart with supreme valiance, Translator of literature, Telugu by preference.

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ata khan 29 March 2009

I like how you listed your poems

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Sivan P.G Menon 14 July 2008

Dear Indira.. Is exploitation…Oppression…. Misdemeanor.. a legacy? Men…its time we change … Head strong content of human right …social commitment… Relevant eternally… Crisp..Bold & hard hitting! ! ! Regards… Sivan..

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Jerry Hughes 16 July 2007

A sheer delight to read this taleted lady's work...

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