Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.

Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. Poems

(Dedicated to in vitro fertilization victims...)

I - the tiny embryo
defiantly -

Eyes Invisible watching,
Spirit Supreme groaning...
Heart Almighty mourning...
While supporters of unborn murder

Oh, the tragedy of the human race
Without the sway and sublimity of grace...

Gnawing at the roots in slaveries of sin,

Now that you arrived in the afterlife,
What was your earned income?

Hope you did not see the ugliness

No taste of victory when lacking self-diminution -
Self-deflation invites soul-searching and contrition.
No armor of courage without harvest of self-sacrifice
No loyal devotion while lacking the gem of selfless devotion

To the city of the living Deity
Avoiding trace of impiety uglification
For reverence of liberally given benefits and edification
Guarding as a myrmidon the prize of salvation

Barren are the hands of the one who is unseeing,
While mighty is the brain
And mighty are the hands of the one whose heart
Is in tears and filled with pity for all,

Inflicting incurable wounds
That are ever 'hopeless' to heal
Backing abominable crimes,
Which they would have cursed

To fail to set sights on the good which is highest
What debasing, and mortifying gamble
Is it not evil itself?
I get the feeling of sadness, my Lord...

...Gelidity is always
As stone

Union with the traitor and foe of God
Is hard to set right and remedy,
As in all times, places and affairs
The hellish foes set their snares.

Shifting dust
Of subjective thoughts:
Irrationalities married
As rocklike realities!

Eager to announce an opinion
Itching to speak, to divulge and declare
Often clueless, unknowing
Yet, raring to express;

(For unborn brothers and sisters)

And, the wind has brought
Yet another grievous thought,

Losing sight of the consequences and cost
(Couldn't care less...)
For the voiceless who need mercy the most...
Since political course and run are at stake

As an owl picked out the fixed Star
A break in the clouds, a ray of hope
Washing her hands of muddled,
Many-sided habit of mind

Remaining in the all-penetrating Eye
or taking flight from Omniscient Might? !
(swirl of toil laborious... fruitless... external
parting company from glimpse eternal? !)

Blind adorer of false gods
Reckless idol-maker
Money maker
Power or fame

-less than dust-
this world, in the main,
stewing in madness
don't belong here-

Under dark ominous clouds...
Thoughts of mine rowing with Being Celestial
His Voice melodic, earnest... seemingly terrestrial:
Grieve we must grieve over hearts buried...

Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. Biography

Dr. Kardas is hosting her new web site on which she features essays, poetic output, quotes, and pro-life news. Dorothy K. Kardas is a Doctor of Clinical Psychology and a Doctor of Theology, and has authored the following Catholic/Christian books: The Gaping Door: The Search for Truth and Love; Divine Gage - A Collection of Christian Poetry; Voice of Thunder: Footsteps to Light. Voice of Thunder - meaning Voice of Divine Truth, both the poetic and essayistic parts are entirely based on divinely revealed Catholic Doctrine. Tread of Death: Tragic End to Divine Favor, and her newest publication: Examen of Evil Courses - Wicked Ways: " Fight, Children of Light." The author's poetry has been published in a large number of anthologies, and has received many awards, including Editor's Choice Awards. Numerous poems have been selected to be professionally recorded on a series of CDs, and some were chosen for song lyrics. Since 2001-2007, the author's poetry has been featured annually and internationally in anthologies 'The Best Poems and Poets of...' and in the international anthologies 'Who is Who in Poetry.' Dr. Kardas is a Pro-Life advocate and supports the local chapters of pro-life agencies, as well as a member and supporter of the American Life League and The National Pro-Life Foundation. The Cambridge Registry of Executive and Professional Women has aknowledged and recorded the prodigious accomplishments of Dr. Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. for the years 2009-2010.)

The Best Poem Of Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.

Monstrous Procreation

(Dedicated to in vitro fertilization victims...)

I - the tiny embryo
defiantly -
to laws divine - conceived
by 'procreators deceived'
through methods contemptible,
unfit for human...
sinful, disgraceful...
unbefitting to man!
designed scam!

I - the tiny embryo
insolently conceived
by 'procreators'
unduly relieved
treated as a product
another commodity
met with farcical fate...
disposable merchandise
elected to 'live'
or put to ghastly demise!

I - the tiny human
never lived to see
my siblings grow,
progress, and mature
for they were unsafe
in terrifying danger -
annihilated, eliminated!
as me - a victim embryo
a sufferer, human casualty
usable, throwaway thing!
with immortal soul within...

do they bathe their bed
with tears over me?
no! they abandoned
the memory of me...
for they've rebelliously
forsaken Thee...

not parents!
not even procreators!
but selfish terminators!

can the selected sibling
find true comfort in your arm?
when hearts are lifeless, cruel
DID to tiny offspring
sickening, irreversible harm?

liable to creatural caprice
mind-boggling whim-wham:
am I just a waste product? !
or if sought after
I become a wanted man? ! ...

while Unfailing Creator
Munificent Liberator
steadily inquires
of regal... fit desires:
'Is not My Love Supreme
enough to crown your dream? '

Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. Comments

Charles Carole 06 October 2008

Congratulations Dr. Kardas! Voice of Thunder: Footsteps to Light is ALIVE! The comments on amazon are so spectacular, that we simply can't wait for our copies to arrive. We wish you all God's blessings...your literary work is truly a GIFT. Thank you, we'll keep in touch as we take the journey through your newest book of verse and essays. 'Mission Bookclub' & Charlie

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Laura Jonwilliams 27 September 2008

My husband Thomas and I wish to thank Dr. Kardas personally for her support and prayers in our missionary work. It was about four years ago when we first decided to become missionaries, that Dr. Kardas sent us off to the UK from Bermuda with a copy of her book, 'The Gaping Door...'. I began to read it on the plane ride over in parts aloud to Tom, and it was then are there we knew this book was a treasure and would be used by us in our studies and beyond. Since then, we have used so many ideas from her works, including poetry. all over the world. People especially needed to hear about 'why evil exists in the world', ' why people are suffering ' and about God's love, forgiveness and great mercy. We've traveled about 40,000 miles so far carrying these messages to God's children. We are now in Iceland for a brief time, and thankfully are able to access Dr. Dorothy's latest poems. We'd like you to know, we will share your work with everyone we meet around the globe. God Bless and keep you in His tender loving care. A world of gratitude, Laura & Tom

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Edward Farnsworth 25 September 2008

It is my greatest privelege and honor to be able to write comments about one of my dearest friends, Dr. Dorothy Kardas. She has been an inspiration for me in my personal life for my years and I can personally attest to the fact that she is as wonderful a person as her writing would reveal her to be. Whether reading words in her books and poems.or listening to her speak, you feel indeed like you've been 'touched by an angel'...Fellow church members and I have read her books many times over, especially when we needed comforting about suffering. Dr. Kardas is a very deeply spiritual woman who is not afraid to share her divine mission with the world. As for me and my friends, we that the Good Lord for bringing her into our lives. Thank you, Eddie

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Charles Carole 21 September 2008

It is our extreme pleasure to write a comment about Dr. Dorothy Kardas. We have been inspired by her talented unique style of writing for quite some time. Dr. Kardas can write in a few verses what other authors take volumes to express. The author's book, 'The Gaping Door: The Search for Truth and Love' not only inspired and enlightened us about God's Law, Truth, and Love with such penetrating insights, but also evidenced at every level, scientific, psychological, philosophical, and spiritual arguments that it left the readers in deep contemplation and self-examination. We used every part of this book in our weekly discussion groups. Dr. Kardas' poetry does the same, and we as Mission Bookclub fans are anxiously awaiting the release of, 'Voice of Thunder: Footsteps to Light', for AuthorHouse promises it to be quite a large selection of her newest Christian verse, prose-poetry and essays...seasoned along with a few of our 'classic' favorites. With Sincere Gratitude From: The Charles Carole Family and 'The Mission Bookclub' membership. God Bless your work in spreading THE TRUTH.

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Jeyrene Rhodes 24 September 2008

Some time ago, I was given a copy of 'The Gaping Door, The Search for Truth and Love ' as a gift because I am an avid reader of non-fiction. After the initial reading, my thoughts were..'Where have I been for the past 30 years? ' Then I introduced the content to my family close friends. After several readings and heated discussions, we all agreed that we could not find one single argument against the the truths that Dr. Kardas elucidated in this extraordinary book. We are very grateful because not only have our opinions changed, but the knowledge we have been illuminated with has led us on a journey of affirmative community action, and most importantly has stregnthed our religious convictions as well. Reading this poetic sampling, we are certain that many people will experience the same. We are excitedly awaiting 'Voice of Thunder: Footsteps to Light', and we take this moment to thank you, Dr. Kardas, for your tireless efforts in spreading God's Truth and Love. Your work indeed is 'classic' and will remain timeless. With Eternal gratitude for leading us closer to HOME...The Rhodes Family & Friends

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Buddy Christian 16 May 2014

Not enough superlatives for this author's great Christian writing. Everyone stop what you are doing and read some truly phenomenal insights. Do not miss the author's web site. Highly recommended reading of all genre. Skeptics - surely will be challenged and believers delighted basking in God's glorious marvels. The books I will put on my to get' list. Guaranteed they will be equally superb.

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George Gilbert 17 July 2012

Dear Dr. Kardas, you have a great following of grateful and faithful international fans, who find spiritual help in every of your precious works! We just discovered that some loser on the tried to ruin your reputation by discrediting all your superb achievements and christian works. Did not review your brilliant book at all but attacked your person with horrible lies and slander! We all have to do something about evildoers like that who out of apparent envy try hurt faithful Christ's followers and soldiers in His army like You! WE LOVE YOU AND ADMIRE ALL YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND YOUR WORK OF THE HIGHEST CALIBER! ! ! What a loser that person must be! ! !

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Max Steiner 26 February 2012

Dr. Kardas, I noticed that on some of your superb poems the comment box is closed. Too bad since many of us would have had something nice to say about your work. Your poetry is always intellectually and spiritually illuminating, brightened with the Light of Christ. It is active, lively, often moving or rousing strong feelings and also shows great use of irony deriding human vice, blindness and stupidity! Often the major theme of your poetical works can be summarized as follows - BEWARE for sin makes us stupid and lost, which is absolutely true since our sinfulness and refusal to repent decides our frightful final destiny. Thank you for sharing the Truth and Love of Christ! ! ! God bless...BTW we love your newest additions! 10!

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George Gilbert 15 February 2012

Just finished reading, Voice of Thunder Footsteps to Light by Dr. Kardas...a masterwork of creatively teaching God's Truth through poetry and essays that can't be matched by any other artist...It makes me realize how much work my spiritual life needs to be fully in accordance with the will of God. Dr. Kardas' works need to be shared and discussed by every person who considers themselves a true Christian. Every line is dedicated to spreading the only she can do in such a genius of a way!'ll be drawn to read the entire book over & over again. Waiting eagerly for the sequel...

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Tom Beckhart 21 October 2011

Explosive, full of timeless significance poetry! Brilliant techniques and insights that blow my mind! I ponder almost over each line and say 'God forgive me'. Dr. in your newest entry, just like in all your poems'Ravenous Howl' you got my full attention from the title to the very end. It's so easy to be fooled by the tricks of The Old Serpent these days. he would love all of us to land in the pit with him. We must certainly redouble our efforts to fight for what is right in God's sight! Thank you for all your help in my spiritual battles. God bless!

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