Take-Home Pay Poem by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.

Take-Home Pay

Rating: 4.8

Now that you arrived in the afterlife,
What was your earned income?

Hope you did not see the ugliness
Of laziness, greediness, and loftiness,
Damaging gratifications of hideous temptations,
Deadly leprosy of hidden jealousy,
The unsightliness of superfluity,
The repulsiveness of impurity and irascibility.

Hoping that you had loved the unlovable
Until you found them likeable.
Hope you did not fall
Into a grievous, uncontrite transgression
When you were given
Life's fathomless possession.

Now that you are in the next world,
Hope that you have seen your soul pristine
With your True Liberator's Face within...
For all time, praying and hoping
You found your true Home.

And you, my earthly brother,
Do you possess the longing
To be the nearest to Him and His Sacred Mother?
Do you wish the same for your own brother?
Is there enough grain? ...

Sathyanarayana M V S 29 August 2008

How best the bitter thing can be expressed in humourous way...Your this poem is a great example. This is explosive stuff.10 sathya narayana

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Charles Carole 18 August 2008

Enjoyed reading this poem very much. Written with great sense of humor, yet very serious-deep spiritual message. In EVERYTHING we do, we must have our final destiny in mind. God Bless you!

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Twin Sisters 16 May 2009

They who seem to be the richest on earth and possess almost 'all' the world can give....are the poorest in spirit and 'LOSE ALL' in the next life. They just DON'T GET IT! ! ! ! This poem says it eloquently. Take heed against greed...moto of a lifetime! Thanks...

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Christian Soldier 08 May 2009

Caustic and prudent prose meant for all the world's recalcitrant, scathing scoundrels of greed who continually rebuff rebuking warning. God bless...

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Penny Lane 17 April 2009

Dear Dr. Kardas, I am amazed at your ability to express the most profound insights in a humorous and persuasive manner! Your skillful use of witticism won my heart! especially after several grueling days preparing tax returns! Truthfully, I only worry about my net worth when I face my Saviour... Thank you! We all enjoyed this one immensely! 10+++

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Antonio Liao 14 January 2009

everything in this world is a package deal in our existence, even religion, deals something that no one can escape.....your poem ignited the fumes that long been stored in the every ones's heart....magnifying reality of what meant to be... true...Thank you God bless

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Roger Guzman 02 September 2008

Dr. Kardas, This is really a great poem. At first thought the 'Take Home Pay' seems like it's what we all strive for in life...to make a living. But what you did with it! Dynomite! ! ! They'll be a lot of souls out there facing their Creator with empty hands...not even a grain of wheat to bring HOME to the FATHER. Lots of very rich chaps down here...think they really can 'take it with them' when they die, or at least they live that way. Thanks for the reminders what REALLY matters in the sight of God. Again Awesome messages. RG & Pals 10++++++++++++++++

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