Sunday, May 29, 2011

' A Poem That Woke Me Up! ' Comments

Rating: 2.7

I dwell
In the absence
You left behind
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indira babbellapati
Jaishree Nair 06 December 2023

Nice write.Soulful lines

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Savita Tyagi 08 November 2023

Every reading of this poem fills me with love of the words and emotions spilling out so beautifully.

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Kingsley Egbukole 07 September 2023

Absence create a big vacuum and longings. Beautiful poem

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Bharati Nayak 16 August 2023

Every night I bury tear for you In my heart That quenches my heart's thirst

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Bharati Nayak 16 August 2023

This wonderful poem takes me in a journey so ehereal! Absence can fill you with someone's presence and silence can connect without speaking a word!

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Savita Tyagi 03 August 2023

So beautiful and heartwarming.

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JoAnn Sanders 14 July 2023

Wow your grea5

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Congratulations, dear poet. This poem ranks #One among the Best Poems of Members

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Dr Dillip K Swain 05 March 2022

That absence occupies's very hard to measure its volume.

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Richard Antwi 13 July 2020

I dwell In the absence You left behind These are beautiful words but gives me bad memories

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Bharati Nayak 08 October 2019

I dwell In the absence You left behind That absence occupies me I dabble In the silence You fill me with That's my silent connect - - - - - - - - - - -

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Aasiq the poet 15 November 2013

he will definitely come oneday i am sure the hand tousled your hair still twitches for you...thanks indira for the melodious lines....atp

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Alexander Coppedge 26 March 2013

You have a lot of sensitive feelings I feel you hold back on these concepts Afraid perhaps or not willing to share them Keep expressing yourself comfort start with one self

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Allemagne Roßmann 30 September 2012

And absolute silence to reckon with while u wake up....trez bien!

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Abhijeet S D 22 September 2012

Indira, was going through your poems....really nice Keep it up.

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Karen I Banks 16 April 2012

nice poem i liked it

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Jerry Hughes 23 January 2012

...absolutely beautiful Indira, the bearing of your soul in words. Love, Jerry

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Maria C. Pires Costa 02 November 2011

This is a heartfelt poem indeed. An absence that has triggered beautiful lines! May hope stay with you, and may real presence flood your heart and mind with happy threads!

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indira babbellapati

indira babbellapati

visakhapatnam, india
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