Sleep In The Arms Of God Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

Sleep In The Arms Of God

Rating: 4.9

On the banks of Ganges
I sat in a serene and sombre mood
Looking at the playful water
as the wind like a great artist
Draws playful lines and circles
On the water.

The wind
Tickles the water
And it laughs although I can't hear.
When the water laughs
And jumps, it moves
In lines and circles
And then rushes swift to the shore.

I sit there at the shore
With my feet in the water
And watch the lines and circles
Reach and kiss my feet
In reverent love.

The wind is playful today
And comes to my lips
With a cold feathery touch
And caresses my hair and I feel alive.
It tells me about the sweet words
Uttered by lovers on the shore
Sharing their intimate feelings.

Tonight I shall dream
Of the symphony of the dancers
And as in a fairy tale
The lovers will come on this shore,
Kiss a thousand kisses
Tell love stories,
Smile and lie on the lap of each other.

I wish you, lovers of this shore
Bliss, serenity and peace.
Sleep here lovingly
The night through.
Let the glorious moon
Pour its mild heavenly light on you.

Sleep together lovingly in the arms of God.

Sleep In The Arms Of God
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Ayesha Cullen 04 June 2017

Love by the Ganges. Wonderfully written! !

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 04 June 2017

That could be a very attractive title for this nice poem: Love By The Ganges

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Aparna Zoya 06 June 2017

Such a beautiful visual

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Luc Leclaire 12 January 2016

This is a lovely reflection on the river of love and life that recalls the works of Khalil Gibran, Herman Hesse, and Rainer Maria Rilke.

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Kim Aouad 18 January 2016

Gibran! ! Love him! I'm from Lebanon, his country of origin, and I must say I feel proud knowing people today still remember one of our greatest

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Ratnaprabha 28 November 2021

Loved your poem, your poem soothes the reader just like the wind

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Sweety Bandopadhaya 14 March 2021

Deep longing expressed in subtle language... beautiful, wanted to give it five star, but due to some error it is showing one star. Sorry for that. I am new to this site.

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Rebecca Navarre 03 January 2021

Oh, excellent, beautifully beautifully painted! .. And i mean Wow! .. Such beautiful deep heart and beauty! .. Definite 5 Stars ++++++++++++...................... Beautifully expressed! .. Again Thank you for sharing! ..

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Shaun Cronick 10 December 2020

A poem more than worthy of a reread, a poem of calm and love that gently flows over and consumes its reader with its more than soft and most tenderly written lines. Thank you good Tony and I wish you well. Another five shining stars and take care good sir. And keep writing, for I and many others will keep reader your poems of love, hope and beauty.

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Rajagopalan Kumar 20 November 2020

Very nice depiction of a lone sitting on the banks of the river -deeply noting the affection to nature. Nice apt visual. Thanks .. I like it

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