Heaven Is Not A Place Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

Heaven Is Not A Place

Rating: 4.8

Heaven is not a place
It is a happening.
It happens in you and me.

The inner beauty
And the serenity
In moments of true love
are its own reward.

In selfless love, heaven happens.
Heaven has no borders,
No distinctions, and
Monopoly of none.

Heaven transcends all religions.

Shareq Rahman 17 November 2016

Even an atheist will believe in heaven after reading this poem.

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Wang Qian 07 December 2015

Heaven is not a place It is a happening. ... In selfless love, heaven happens. ... Those lines reflect the love of heaven which happens among human and spaces that fullfills the barren generously. Very true, thanks for sharing.

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Bharati Nayak 18 November 2015

Heaven is not a place It is a happening- - - - - Yes, we can create a heaven by our inner beauty. by love, sympathy and serenity.Thanks for sharing the wonderful poem.

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Aniruddha Pathak 01 January 2019

We've heard: heaven and are here on earth. But you are more accurate. They're right within us. 'It happens in you and me', as you said. Well writ.

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Abaka Blessing Anastasia 27 October 2015

i love the lines exempting the first line coz the lines refers it as a place but when i read through i got the meaning of ur poem, if heaven is not a place then it's a point. indeed u re a great poet.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 30 June 2022

In selfless love, heaven happens. Heaven has no borders, No distinctions, and Monopoly of none......marvelous conceptualization. Beautiful poem. Five stars.

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Sandra Feldman 03 January 2022

A poem of deep feeling and discovery. A true beautifully deep and exceptionally well written masterpiece that can only beread over and over again. Feelings, oblige! As we can sincerely also say, that this poem is Heavenly in every way!

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Sandra Feldman 03 January 2022

In my view, this is na phenomenal poetic and transcendental achievement! Beautifully written the concept of heaven is new and fresh making it more vivid and accesible than many visualize it as. And of great importance, brngng all religions together thru Heaven

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Indira Renganathan 04 March 2021

Yes, heaven is a happening in our hearts....simple yet wonderful....5*****

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AFFAQ NABI 16 January 2021


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