Living By The Hungry Sea Poem by Muzahidul Reza

Living By The Hungry Sea

Rating: 4.8

My house is near a sea
The sea is my neighbour
I understand the sea
But the sea does not understand me,

At the time of tide it embraces me
My property
But at ebb most of the times it takes away
My cattle, precious thing
Giving me nothing
Only some broken and useless shells
Some dead fishes and nasty plants,

Again, its waves always frighten me
In hungry style
With only anger, no smile.

Thursday, December 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: sea
Ema Maria 22 May 2017

Globalization has had a significant impact on the lives of women in the developing nations, which we will further examine in the two countries – Bangladesh and Kenya. In this paper, Globalization is defined as “a complex economic, political, cultural, and geographic process in which the mobility of capital, organizations, ideas, discourses, and people has taken a global or transnational form (Valentine Moghadam 1999) . Globalization has more negative effects on women in third world countries such as Kenya and Bangladesh....

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Muzahidul Reza 22 May 2017

Thank you so much for valuable comments

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Ema Maria 22 May 2017

The grandest element of today’s culture is perhaps technology – social media’s takeover in particular – and its frightening ability to exploit us in what we do, what we think, what we “like, ” what we believe. Social media was created as a way for adults, teens, and now even children to truly reposition themselves – to go from their simple selves to a kind of social celebrity. We can certainly blame “culture” for this exploitation, but as frequent users of media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we are ultimately exploiting ourselves....

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Ema Maria 22 May 2017

Out of Control; Exploitation in the World People are most commonly taken advantage of because their weaknesses are preyed on and played; their own faults are used against them to help a cause that they have no say in the matter. Child soldiers, suicide bombers and tourism on a corrupt impoverished country all fall into the dominated group because they’re all targeted for a specific reason. Beah, Said, Khaled and the country of Antigua are constantly led to believe that these sadistic acts that are diminishing their home are for the benefit of both themselves and their people....

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Ema Maria 22 May 2017

injustices that are bestowed upon mankind, none are greater than the ones inflicted by our own species of apathy towards poverty and the hardships of our brothers. Steinbeck gives a view of human frailties and strengths from many different perspectives in “The Grapes of Wrath.” This book demonstrates how people can overcome destitution, team up to find solutions, and provide protection and security in times of trouble. Steinbeck introduces people who are hard working and honest, that reach out selflessly with compassion towards others....

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Doug McClanahan 15 June 2022

Sailor of the sea I know the sea but it does not seem to know me High tide is fond while ebb takes our bond, crushed Rogue waves frighten, sorrow Emotional terrorist today, fair winds tomorrow I'll keep sailing and see Dad

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Rubana Sen 24 November 2017

Again, its waves always frighten me In hungry style With only anger, no smile. so irony and pathetic

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Jem Jami 08 July 2017

My house is near a sea The sea is my neighbour I understand the sea But the sea does not understand me, extraordinary one, thanks,10

2 1 Reply
John Paul 12 June 2017

The poem is a composition of wisdom and arts

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John Paul 12 June 2017

The poem is a great imagery, wonderful write, it expresses corruption, exploitation and other crimes,10

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Muzahidul Reza

Muzahidul Reza

Charaihatee; Mohangonj; Rajibpur.
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