Dr Dillip K Swain

Dr Dillip K Swain Poems


Your sterling love
Is like a gigantic sponge
That absorbs the fountain of my pain
Soaking it invisibly, awakening my soul

She comes out to sing
to express happiness
from her house of
paper, straw and grasses

An orphan child
sitting on a platform
ignoring the sound of fast crossing trains
and trains halting late at the station

Her peerless power drags me here
I know not exactly how much I care
I happen to be here just by chance
It stimulates me to make a dance

There is an inordinate silence
After the devastating cyclone!

The wild wind blew for several hours

I behold a beautiful cascade
that sings an eternal song,
ecstatic, tranquil and sublime!

Care the person
who needs to be cared

Love the person

I behold you as the solitary flower
On the ends of a branch-let
Ah, your fragrance travels miles
Gratifying even the dull insects!

Let's go hand in hand to a strange spot
Secretly, stealthily, without paying heed
To what they perceive and say of us
We'll take a walk in hillsides in pair

A young jubilant boy
Steers a herd of cows
To the open green fields
They graze unflinchingly

The titanic war caused horror,
The enemy melted in fear,
The young soldier after victory,
Packed his baggage in hurry.

Oh, my dear conscience, naive warbler
Your charisma guides me as a sorcerer

For my unforced errors which I weep

He fervidly inspects he's surely distracted
His mind and soul are unevenly distributed

His corporal self rests in a roseless bed

Sarojini Naidu was born in 1879
In a Bengali Hindu family at Hyderabad, India
She is popularly known as ‘Nightingale of India'
For her delightful verses with social impact and influence

Give importance
to your happiness, pleasure, little joys, and peace within.

People will say in everything,

Always avoid litigation
and don't get trapped by illusion!

Embrace Gandhian philosophy of simple living and high thinking

You would fail
on your duty
if you don't express thanks
to those who have

By the unremitting blaze of sun,
her tank was shrunk, bed dried up.
No water, no moss left except some
patchy cracks of mud here and there.

I don't know where to go,
Where will I go?

Everywhere there is obstruction,

If you find leisure
Just stand and stare
And enjoy the beauty of nature

Dr Dillip K Swain Biography

I find immense pleasure in writing English poems as and when I feel expressing something. I am proud to be a poet.)

The Best Poem Of Dr Dillip K Swain


Your sterling love
Is like a gigantic sponge
That absorbs the fountain of my pain
Soaking it invisibly, awakening my soul
To withstand violent storms
Cyclonic waves and all disasters
Prompting me to climb mammoth hills
Sans soreness, pains and perils

It's your pure love
That sparks emotion
For - I dive into the ocean!

Copyright @Poet,25 January,2019

Dr Dillip K Swain Comments

Valsa George 10 October 2019

Once more let me acknowledge Dr. Dillip's stature as a top ranking poet of poem hunter and his outstanding contributions to the field of poetry. A scholar by himself, his erudite writing inspires and sometimes 'provokes' fellow poets. Poetry is his life breath. He cannot be divorced from his art.

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Mahtab Bangalee 14 February 2019

Dr. Dillip K Swain is most instructive and optimistic poet of this literary site. The below is my little effort and wish his greatness - Dazzling poetic light In his fulgent writing, Literal truth we find as Loadstar of the sky inn, Ideal Indian he is Here, for the world peace Kingly his poems reign Sagacity lives in his vein, Way-mark his every writing Appends fairly everything, Innermost his pen Naturally helps human.

9 3 Reply
Valsa George 10 October 2019

Dillip is equally powerful as an ardent critic and analyses others' poems with incisive insight and comments on them in a language beautiful and impeccable.May he continue to enjoy unrivalled predominance among fellow poets.

8 4 Reply
Aniruddha Pathak 15 October 2019

When I think of poet Dillip K swain, two things come to my mind almost simultaneously: passion and spirit. He is among the most popular poets on Poem Hunter. He has a spontaneous way of expressing things. Many of his poems are short and sharp, and he has a great way of coming to the point. We have frequent exchange of views thru poems, feedback, and Poem Hunter Mail service. I wish him well in all his pursuits and life.

6 5 Reply
Nosheen Irfan 17 June 2019

A poet with an honesty of thought and a powerful expression. A voice that creates ripples. Wish you all the best for your poetic journey. Keep writing, keep inspiring.

6 4 Reply
Bri Edwards 16 October 2023

I left stars and comments at your poem A Catastrophe. ;) bri I found no comment section on poem's page.

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Bri Edwards 10 October 2023

Dillip, I just left comments & stars at your Sparrow's Orchestra. : ) And I've recently read some comments you've left on my poems. Thanks. bri

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Dillipji has been selected "Poet Of the Day" by PoemHunter Team today. Congratulations! A truly deserved recognition. All the best, dear poet!

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Part 2. Dillipji is a keen observer of Nature as evidenced by his Nature poems. I am proud of sharing this august platform with poets like him. We expect more great poems from him.

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Dillipji is a very talented poet, always maintaining high aesthetic standards. He has profound knowledge in Indian and English Literature which makes his poems exquisite.

1 2 Reply

Dr Dillip K Swain Quotes

Plan your life as you desire and set a goal which is achievable and can subsequently be enjoyable

Enjoy the present moment of riding the boat of your life sans getting afraid of your boat likely to be sunk

A believer is modest and submissive because s/he feels that some unseen person is his/her guide but a non believer doesn't think anyone as his guide.

A non-believer may not believe in God but he should love humanity. If not, he is considered as a beast.

If love is a great circle, lust occupies a limited space in it.

Just a moment is enough to create many enemies but it requires a lot of time and other factors to create a good friend. Love, understanding, cooperation, helpful attitude and sacrifice are the key traits to earn friends.

A wise friend is million times better than million fools

In this great ocean of poetry, I am just a drop of water but significantly significant as part of it.

God has given me two eyes to behold things. I can't see things in other's eyes.

Don't waste your time in making fake friends, groupism and faction. Don't be envious of works of others. Focus on your own creations, explore knowledge and wisdom whatever you can grab from this world and fly all across the vast sky of knowledge like a free bird.

No evil spirits can misguide you, if you are an ardent lover of beauty and truth. Respect truth and beauty and live a peaceful life

Stay miles and miles away from self centred, egoistic and ungrateful ladies

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