"Frost To-Night" Poem by Edith Matilda Thomas

"Frost To-Night"

Rating: 3.3

Apple-green west and an orange bar,
And the crystal eye of a lone, one star . . .
And, "Child, take the shears and cut what you will,
Frost to-night -- so clear and dead-still."

Then, I sally forth, half sad, half proud,
And I come to the velvet, imperial crowd,
The wine-red, the gold, the crimson, the pied, --
The dahlias that reign by the garden-side.

The dahlias I might not touch till to-night!
A gleam of the shears in the fading light,
And I gathered them all, -- the splendid throng,
And in one great sheaf I bore them along.

. . . . .

In my garden of Life with its all-late flowers
I heed a Voice in the shrinking hours:
"Frost to-night -- so clear and dead-still" . . .
Half sad, half proud, my arms I fill.

Dr Antony Theodore 02 October 2019

In my garden of Life with its all-late flowers I heed a Voice in the shrinking hours: " Frost to-night - so clear and dead-still" ... Half sad, half proud, my arms I fill. very fine ending of a superb poem. tony

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Kumarmani Mahakul 02 October 2018

A beautiful poem on life is being well composed by Edith Matilda Thomas.

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Adrian Flett 02 October 2018

The abundance of life and of Nature lived and much appreciated near its end.

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Edward Kofi Louis 02 October 2018

In my garden of Life! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Dominic Windram 02 October 2019

Wonderful poem..I'm particularly struck by the profound, beautifully realised metaphor, '...my garden of Life with its all-late flowers'.

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Bri Edwards 04 October 2022

Let's try this again! I don't 'get it', therefore I don't like it much, BUT it has fine rhyming. bri : ) Maybe if I'd lived when she did [[Edith Matilda Thomas (August 12,1854 - September 13,1925) ]] I'd understand the poem. bri ;)

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Bri Edwards 04 October 2022

I don

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Savita Tyagi 04 October 2022

Beautiful poem and such a lovely imagery.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 07 August 2021

Powerful and beautiful closure lines. Great imagery.

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Michael DeBonis 04 January 2020

There is not enough space here to properly comment (even briefly) on Thomas's great poetical contributions...

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Edith Matilda Thomas

Edith Matilda Thomas

Chatham Center / Ohio
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