Ibrahim S. Mansaray

Ibrahim S. Mansaray Poems


I read so many lines
So short a line
And many others today
I shall read more tomorrow

Wasn't it just yesterday?
I can still feel the pains on my limbs;
As I fight to stand and crawl and fall
How old I'm today?


Somewhere in forever,
I saw you coming
I know, like never,
You will never fall


There beside our old house river
This mansion sparkled with radiance
There beyond the shrubs of emptiness
Was an angel patiently awaiting

Where could this miracle be?
These magic papers gifted as attachment
When the trials of punishment have withered
And the just seeks for injustice

We slowly build,
And hope to move mountains.

Ibrahim S. Mansaray Biography

Studied Linguistics at University of Sierra Leone/Fourah Bay College-- A Teacher and Poet. His love for History, Philosophy and Literature has lured him to the path of creating verses, quotes and injecting words that will forever glorify nature and positively stir the heart of men through time beyond his existence.)

The Best Poem Of Ibrahim S. Mansaray


I read so many lines
So short a line
And many others today
I shall read more tomorrow
I shall know the joy, the failures;
The light, the darkness, invention
Innovation, the truth, the lies and the sorrow
To learn is beautiful
And ugly too
When you learn you must do
Knowledge will stay when you apply
Or when you try
It's with this that men has tamed the sky and the land and seas
Women tamed men
Death tame all.

Ibrahim S. Mansaray Comments

Ibrahim S. Mansaray Quotes

Words are thunder and lightning. Words are that tender mother that will forever keep her child safe and happy in the midst of thunder and lightning.

Whatever our forebears gave to us-- be it a golden torch or packages of dirt, let us use it to build our today so we may leave something better for our children of tomorrow.

The snows of our lives shall forever water us to immortality. We may pretend to enjoy freedom, No soul is ever free.

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