The Evil Face Of Religion Poem by Chinedu Dike

The Evil Face Of Religion

Rating: 4.9

Since the dawn of humanity, the annals
of Religion have been littered with awful tales.
Sacred scriptures have blessed lives —
and maimed them.

Sophistic doctrine breeds dreadful hostility.
Often where Religion is strong—cruelty
reigns—as fanatics under 'total submission'
commit atrocities through blind devotion.

A close look at religious democides
suggests jamborees of genocides —
bloodlettings from which Atheism
recoils in its realm of ungodliness.

On the faith mission to fulfill a divine goal,
Religion is torn between good and evil.
Slaying from age to age in the name of God,
hands of zealots are left defiled with blood.

The Evil Face Of Religion
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: religion
The evil menace of Religions
Kingsley Egbukole 06 June 2020

Religion has been used to manipulate the gullible followers for selfish ends. Interesting reading.

4 1 Reply
Chinedu Dike 06 June 2020

Hi Kingsley, thanks for your comment. Remain enriched.

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Chinedu Dike 07 June 2020

Hi Kingsley, thanks for your insightful appraisal of the poem. Remain enriched.

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Susan Williams 05 June 2017

The Holy Crusades and the witch trials- both examples of the way human kind can take a love-thy-neighbor religion and turn it into slay-your-neighbor instead. As a Christian looking out at the community of churches in my hometown, the believers believe in loving their neighbors, feeding them, sheltering them, clothing them, welcoming them in for grief counseling, addiction help and none of these things are dependent upon being a Christian. Atheists, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, etc are all welcome. I don't believe my community is a one of a kind community. I think religions on a whole are moving away from their evil face and gaining a loving face. The violent extremists are now the exception and not the rule. Excellent poem about the places religions should not go.

2 1 Reply
Chinedu Dike 05 June 2017

An insightful and comprehensive appraisal of the piece. Thanks a million times Susan and do remain blessed.

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Doris Cornago 09 March 2022

Good image. I hope that you will stay free from religion.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 11 February 2022

An excellent write exposing the ills of religion. So well crafted and presented.

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Moxie De Lucky 29 January 2022

Only few among poets get time to think and write about this. Good job my brother.

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Craig Moses Uche 29 December 2021

We really should do a poetry project together someday. You are incredible_ please read and rate my poem, notably _'Let's Grow Together'

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Deluke Muwanigwa 11 November 2021

Excellent poem. As i always say religion is a fiat akin to politics. It is used to control the minds of people for the benefit of clergy and yet science in its broad sense is life and life is science.

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Chinedu Dike

Chinedu Dike

Enugwu-Ukwu, Anambra State; Nigeria.
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