Ency Bearis Comments

big daddy69 02 May 2019

a yo i like dat weird poem about the step mother and machine gun... no cap

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Prabir Gayen 30 March 2019

A beautiful poet with rare gift of God.... May God Bless You.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 18 March 2019

On behalf of all fellow poets, PH family and our Mahakul family we offer a title of honour to poet Ency Bearis born in Philippines and resides in USA as, 'Faithful Spirit.' This title of honour is offered to him due to his long time perseverance and valuable contribution to the world literature. From today onward he will be known as Faithful Spirit Ency Bearis. We hope, all poets visitors and people will like this.

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Diane Montemayor 24 December 2016

Dear Sir, Mabuhay po kayo...Great thoughts... Sincerely, diane

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Miriam Maia Padua 02 November 2011

Sir Ency, the world is happy to read your works you are a versatile poet... ..We are waiting for your new works... hope to read more new poems from you soon...

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eloida Capuno 22 October 2011

thank you for appreciating my poems, i'm just about to read yours

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Fragments Of Light And Love 22 October 2011

im so proud to receive words from you....its an honor indeed to be given time by people like you, a good and learned man and most especially my fellow...tnx for your comments....how i wish to good as you are...

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HI, thanks for the comments about my poem entitled A man as I am, i have read ur poems and it is full of thoughts and wisdom, thanks.. KABABAYAN, im also a nurse here in the Philippines.

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Eyan Desir 25 November 2009

The older the wine the sweeter the juice... Keep getting better it's a pleasure to read you work...

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Halana Williams 17 November 2009

hmmm if you use vaiations of other words in this poem it would be more effective. But a good read all the same

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Shashendra Amalshan 27 July 2009

Hello my dear sir! ! ! ! ! I made comments on most of my friends... Sir i remember like yesterday when you send me mail about your desire to be a good poet.. I think you v develop your self in to fine poet indeed.. When i last visited you... i was sort of amazed by how much you v developed yourself as a poet.. you know sir most poets are gifted.. but you are a poet who develop your skill.. And that s why i admire you most. If any one deserved to be praised in this site.. it is you... wish you all the best....write more.. and i m sure you ll reach great heights! ! ! ! with lots of love shan

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your poems are so good, they're addictive and very informative.. :) i'm proud of you Kuya.. :)

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Catrina Heart 19 January 2009

Ency.....a poet by heart, my kababayan....You are doing a great job in writing a free verse poetry my friend. I am so proud of you sir!

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Shimon Weinroth 15 September 2008

poignant and feeling event described, by the way since Walt Whitman free verse has freed many from the need to rhyme best wishes Shimon

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Gigi Perez 03 August 2008

Wow ang galing naman po! Ive learned about the site thru Auntie Julie Bearis kasi kachat ko po cya ngayon. Proud to be Bearis! ! ! ! ! Congrats po sayo Uncle Ency! !

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