Evie Shockley

Evie Shockley

Nashville / Tennessee / United States
Thursday, October 23, 2014

— Shall Become As — Comments

Rating: 4.2

you put this pen
in my hand and you
take the pen from you put this pen
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Evie Shockley
Pepi Pwakana 01 June 2023

'the mountains breathe their mint-and-sorrow green against the long summer sky' such refreshing image. It connotes a sense of calmness and a balance in climate. Good choice of words Ms Evie

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jim jom 20 January 2023

Men are very cool, women are mysoginistic

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Charley De Inspirator 13 December 2022

This is a brillaint piece

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Sinclair Rogers 25 November 2022

'you put this feather in my palm. my fingers close around flight.'...'MASTERFUL'! ! !

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Morgan Ball 23 April 2022

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 04 June 2021

Beautifully written with great images. A poem worth reading again.

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This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.

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Beautiful. Simply superb.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 03 January 2021

...tied in a parallel that promises our eyes to merge... what a wonderful promise of possibility in impossibility! . Then you put fathers on my palm... the poet extends his/her dream beond empyrean. A wonderful poem!

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Happiness Edeh 22 August 2020

Nice poem. Thanks for sharing

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Hebert Logerie Sr. 27 September 2019

Evie Shockley is very new to me. I like the beginning of the poem. How creative! I am looking forward to read more of her poems.

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Cynthia Deon 27 September 2019

Beautiful. Simply superb.

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Anil Kumar Panda 27 September 2019

A beauty that i like to read again and again. Thanks for sharing. 'after the mountains breathe their mint-and-sorrow green against the long summer sky, they burst into hot october laughter, lighting the horizon with citrus, rust, and blood.'... is so beautiful.10++

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Dr Antony Theodore 27 September 2019

we approach endlessly like two rails of one track, tied in a parallel that promises our eyes to merge, someplace far off in the distance... very fine imagination and lovely poem. tony

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Uche Nwanze 27 September 2019

' the moon seems full, what is missing is a dark hungry sickle, the silver of shadow eating'. A beautifully crafted piece.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 27 September 2019

boundary we approach endlessly like two rails on one track, tied in a parallel" Of life and bondage. A well deserved classic poem of the Day.

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Mahtab Bangalee 27 September 2019

the sliver of shadow eating us up inside. after the mountains breathe their mint-and-sorrow green against the long summer sky, ............/// excellent poetic writings

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Sylvia Frances Chan 11 November 2018

First of all CONGRATULATIONS on being chosen as Modern Poem Of The Day. Hurray! This is an amazing poem with a powerful message. The Beauty in this poem is shining through and through, as the poetess herself. God's Blessings in Abundance be upon you and your beloved family, dear Poetess. Amen. With the very best wishes, sincerely Sylvia Frances Chan, Dutch poetess.

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Evie Shockley

Evie Shockley

Nashville / Tennessee / United States
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