Man, You Will Carry As A Shield A Truth Spoken In The Wilderness Poem by Enache Dan

Man, You Will Carry As A Shield A Truth Spoken In The Wilderness

Man, you will carry as a shield a truth spoken in the wilderness,
And in your heart like a flame, an entire future will burn:
For the world sees you, open your eyes, be ready for the journey,
Even if love flees from your arms, under another sky, beneath other ashes.
Listen, man, in you flows an unyielding blood,
Your ancestors did not fight for you to see a bent soul.
Be a pillar of stone, be a high tower in an open horizon,
Do not let the tear stain your cheeks, from longing too defeated, too weary.
When the world spins you in its wheel, be always what you are,
And you will find that jade beads could just be a folly.
Friends, like leaves in autumn, will one by one be lost in the wind,
Honoring your path to the peaks, where the air is thinner, expanding over seas and countries.
Oh, in love, you will often believe words that fly like birds,
Not knowing that their wings are more fragile than they seem.
Beware of lending faith to a too ephemeral love,
For the woman will leave you when another star will light her path more clearly.
The vanity of being toxic will not bring you solace,
Stay pure, fight with the weapons of truth, of the heart in search of enlightenment,
For if you shine only in a distorted prism, your light will be obscure,
And you will wander in a labyrinth of shadows, stepping wrongly, deceiving the measure.
Do not be the warrior who abandons his shield in the battle with oneself,
Nor the one who allows his shield to be stained with the mark of treason.
Do not allow your pride to be knelt down, on the field of honor,
Be upright, value the oath and keep the torch of love in your flight.
And remember those who raised you, parents kissed by the twilight,
Sing them songs of gratitude, trickle happiness upon them with every moment.
Do not let time run heedlessly forward, over transient treasures,
Let each sunrise be an occasion for celebration, for everlasting, immortal loves.
There will come a time when your voice too will be lost in a hush,
When your children will grow wings and learn to fly on their own.
Be wise in their upbringing, leave seeds deeply in the soul to bear fruit,
For you will remain forever in their roots, even if time turns and leaves them.
Man, in your passage across times the purpose is given to you,
To carry with you engraved in the soul this sacred burden:
To be upright, to love sincerely and to rise when others bring you down,
For simple truths are those that spring from our ancestors.

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