The Truth Is The Truth Poem by Mohammad Younus

The Truth Is The Truth

The Truth is the only one...
...who knows The Truth;
The Truth is manifest... ourselves and cosmos;
The truth is a hidden secret...
...even after its manifestation;
The Truth that causes man to live... The Truth;
The Truth that causes man to die... The Truth
The Truth that frees man is The Truth
The Truth that imprisons man is The Truth
The Truth is forever here for the seer;
The Truth is not seen by the blind;
The Truth is always present before The Truth;
The Truth never appears!
The Truth never disappears!
The only one who knows The Truth... The Truth;
The Truth is ever living,
The Truth is self existent;
The Truth is neither born nor it dies!
The Truth is omnipresent...
...without spelling out its presence;
We can never know The Truth
Who it is? Where it is? How it is?
We can never discover the truth
The Truth is not like a lost thing
It makes me realise for ever...
...I know that I cannot know;
But deep down I know that
I am nothing without The Truth
I know that I am nothing but The Truth
Very few believe that there is only The Truth
I always claim my truth is The Truth;
But he who knows not the truth is a Takfiri
He names my claim as blasphemy
The truth is The Truth forever.
There is nothing but the Truth
La Illaha illa Hu! La maujooda illallah!


The Truth Is The Truth
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