The Only Shivers Thirsty For Life That Dance In Memory Poem by Enache Dan

The Only Shivers Thirsty For Life That Dance In Memory

The only shivers thirsty for life that dance in memory,
Are those moments, bathed in the pure light of love,
When the heart, an untamed bird, leaped from its nest,
And we ran through dreams and realities, with a soul in love.
In the silence between us, clocks lose their purpose,
And seconds, like butterflies, break their wings in their flight towards infinity,
Everything is a stage, and we are the actors of an unwhispered poem,
And only the moments of love remain, nothing else matters, nothing is forbidden.
Empty dreamy streets are now my witnesses, trees whisper,
I remember only you, your shadow follows me at dusk and dawn,
Every tear, a falling star in the constellation of my profound longing,
Any smile, a moonbeam that breaks the darkness into colors.
How could I forget the euphoric cry of first love,
A solemn and bashful call that enveloped me like a fiery cloak?
Our story is deeply etched in the garden of the barefoot and blooming soul,
Where your step echoes, everlasting, a harmony that doesn't unravel with the days.
You painted the sky of my life with the colors of fiery love,
And every day without your love is just a shadow of the past in which we lost ourselves,
Your love gives birth in me to boundless longing, a song of love,
And I look back only to find your kiss, a reverie that never dies.

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