I Often Wondered, In The Night Of My Thoughts Poem by Enache Dan

I Often Wondered, In The Night Of My Thoughts

I often wondered, in the night of my thoughts,
Why is it so hard to find ourselves in the sea of life,
We pass by each other, like ephemeral shadows,
Without noticing, without truly touching.
Our souls, in their silence, look at each other and yearn,
Dreaming of a lost harmony, of a warm embrace,
Of a kiss that would unite two worlds, to find the pair,
But in the tumult of the day, we are blind, deaf to their call.
We rush too much in the whirl of life, in wandering,
We are insensitive to the discreet beauty of the encounter,
We approach heavy, shy, wrapped in the cloak of reluctance,
We part easily, like leaves that fall in the autumn wind.
We squander our time carelessly, with pointless thoughts,
And only when we stop, looking back, if we dare,
We realize that we may have lost the most precious gift,
That of discovering each other, of loving truly.
Oh, how we pass by each other, in a tumultuous world,
People who seek each other, but cannot be found,
Like stars shining alone in the vastness of the sky,
Without knowing that somewhere, far away, there is another star answering them.
In this magical theater of life, each role seems written in haste,
The scene changes, the scenery succeeds, but we remain alone,
We struggle in the search for meaning, for fulfillment, for happiness,
But we forget that all this lies within us, in our souls waiting.
And perhaps one day, in a magical moment when time stops,
We will manage to truly see each other, to touch our souls,
To discover that love is not an impossible dream, but a reality,
And that in the heart of each one of us, lies the key to happiness.

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