In The Shadow Of Reason, A Forsaken House Can Be Glimpsed Poem by Enache Dan

In The Shadow Of Reason, A Forsaken House Can Be Glimpsed

In the shadow of reason, a forsaken house can be glimpsed,
An forgotten place, where memories are just pale echoes.
In the pockets of the soul, unachievements linger,
Massive dreams, lacking the spark that could be.
On the field of reason, a freshly-sprung meadow stretches,
And that familiar white fence, vanishes into the void of dreams.
The word 'important' gets lost, melts into oblivion,
Nothing from 'in reason' leaves traces in the world of revelations.
But when you abandon reason, you unshackle the chains of the impossible,
It, the brother of reason, two faces of the same mythical being.
One spits fire and brimstone, the other lives without hope,
Together, eternally bound, Yin and Yang, in the dance of times.
They were once a purpose, a subtle promise of the possible,
They had a 'something', a 'maybe', a fine thread of hope,
At the end, only a pale echo of a forsaken dream remains.
Dream of gates opening,
When 'impossible' is erased from your restless heart.
In the depths of darkness, in the cry of 'no',
In the absurdity of abandoning reason,
There you will find the essence of metamorphosis,
There where the perfect circle of invention was born.
With the black shovel, dig through bone,
Through the skull, touch the core of thought,
Cross the heart, the depths of being.
There, on the fine line between madness and enlightenment,
There is the path, the untrodden road.
Forsake reason, leave behind old dogmas,
Fly on the unbounded wings of freedom,
Show your true nature, unleash your wild spirit.
Let the lights shine, let the scene of life ignite,
In this mystic journey, beyond the bounds of reason,
In this dance of the liberated spirit,
Discover the world born from the abandonment of constraints,
Where genius and madness meet, in a waltz of transcendence.

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