And My Life Without You Is Just A Long Death Poem by Enache Dan

And My Life Without You Is Just A Long Death

And my life without you is just a long death,
A broken clock, with its mute and deaf ticking.
Unspoken words drown me, tighten like a pack of shadows,
Grazing the vast silences, over time and destiny, unheard and rabid.
In every nook of the soul, your absent echo resounds,
A sign that our love was once carved in a comet,
Now, I am just a blind astronomer, studying an empty sky,
Searching for your rays in a universe that no longer wishes to shine.
I am like the sea without a wave, a horizon without a beach,
Orphaned of your laughter that brightened my ashen days,
I have become a phantom in my own existence, interweaving
The thread of hope with sadness, on the loom of patience and regrets.
The walls of my room, painted with echoes of lost time,
Remind me of the day when words were our bridge over the infinite,
A bridge of lights, of blossoming promises, of blue dreams,
But the silence now isolates me in a labyrinth of solitude.
Unspoken words, now wilted flowers in the garden of memory,
Where you no longer walk, no longer laugh, no longer exist.
I seek a hidden meaning in the pages of the calendar that no longer bring you,
And over time and destiny, I call out to you in a river of devouring silence.
If I were to find you only in a dream or another life,
I would sacrifice all these sunless days,
On the altar of a hope maybe naive, that you will return
And the unspoken words, with you, will finally find their voice and purpose.

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