The Manipulator Poem by BTS Chocolate

The Manipulator

You used to be a friend to me
But now you're a stranger
You act like as if nothing has ever happened
But this isn't new shit
You left me lifeless
Without any explanation and such
We use to have the time of our lives
But now that's all dead now
Would it hurt your stupid pride if you apologize?
No, that would be an odd thing for you to do
I'm just nothing to you now
You erased our friendship
Just like you did to others
Your enemies call you a liar, a manipulator even an imposter
Their words speak truth
No one's ever good enough for you eh?
Its like your taking out the trash
Except you're the trash
Multiple pieces of ripped friendships are moldy
Its all over your soul
You scare the ones who loved you most
I did once
You find your new trophies
All shiny and new
You lined them all up now and hoping there is no scratch
One scratch and your out the door
You paint people all new
They don't even know what color they are
We are colorblind
Did you not like the jokes I made to you?
Well, you should have said something
Didn't have to stay quiet
But I guess the world revolves around you
But you would throw out the world wouldn't you?
I know you would
That's what you did to me and several others
I don't even know me
I'm a brass trophy to you now

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