Let Me Sleep Poem by Kevin Patrick

Let Me Sleep

I want to hide,
into some distant desert
that has the deepest darkest cave
then I can crawl
into a futuristic capsule
and quietly daze in a cryonic grave
so that I can sleep and dream
until the world wakes with reason

I want to dream away this mad and frenzied world
where tyrants reign supreme
and superstitions king
as waves of rabid orange mobs
drowns out democracy
while the footprints of suntanned demagogues
lay down a new aristocracy

I want to dream a utopia instead of live this dystopia
where the billionaires ensnare
all our fortunes to crumbs
As the middle class is lays rotting
under debts vast abyss
and lies drowning under trickle economics
where poverties the Ritz.

Oh please, please let me sleep
until housing is a right
and not a constant fight
where its not a choice between
electricity and groceries
and their aren't madmen in pulpits
controlling your ovaries

Oh God I want to sleep, and not worry about destruction
about climate change or icebergs melting
I don't want arctic continents
floating pass Australia
Or tropical diseases found
In rural Saskatchewan
I'm tired of winters looking like summer
I'm tired of summers that feel like raw hell
sweat clawing in my skin until I cant breath
god I'm tired of it all. Let me sleep, let me sleep

Let me sleep until I know the worlds not extinct
From the threat of A.I
or good old atom bombs
If machines aren't done taking the last of our jobs
they will administer the final solution
It could all come down to zeroes and ones
curing the planet of human pollution
Or maybe we will be saved by world war 3
Man against man as its been done with glee
Our leaders, our tribes fighting on lines
Until their is nothing, not even our lives

So will the planet burn in the 6 mass extinction
will it be robots, read out microdots
or will it be war with nuclear stores
must I see fascist rise right before my eyes
And watch history unfold as Gibbons had wrote
Must I fly on a wheel that's been set on fire

I'm trapped in the act of slow moving car crash
and I don't like fact of what I see in the climax

Please let me sleep until reason
Wakes from this savage season

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: tired,war,climate change,anxiety
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