Pentatomoidea カメムシ科 Poem by Anisa Tara

Pentatomoidea カメムシ科

You in your oversized jeans
Bowl hair to cover unassuming eyes
Pale skin, so susceptible to redness
Uncut nails
Found on long, tender fingers
Laced with metal rings
Slowly, steadily pacing
So full of surety
Your scarves, sweaters and coats
Black converse peeking through

Bent over on a rug
Observing the lowest of creation's offerings
That for all of its natural history
Has never received the undivided attention
Of anything as marvelous as you
Nothing with such curious intent
Nothing with such unassuming tenderness

For such a vile, wretched thing
To be subject to such affection
Your long, gentle fingers
Could reach down into the past
To the start of its natural history
And undo all the hurt knit into its being
For being such a vile, wretched thing
Not even on the same food chain as you,
As you, majestic and beautiful
In your bowl hair to cover curious eyes
Long fingers caressing appendages

And though this stink bug
Might want a permanent residence
On your perfect little shoulder
Or in your unknowable memory
This kamemushi will return to its weeds
Far from the offerings of desire
To a country that despises her stench
Bringing with her the small, illegible tenderness
A tall, unassuming stranger once forged for her

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: love,insect
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