"Mommy The Dearest Endearing Embrace' Poem by Fatema Khatun

"Mommy The Dearest Endearing Embrace'

In the tapestry of time, you've been the one,
Guiding me through the moon and the sun.
Through my lows and highs, a steadfast guide,
In your embrace, my shelter, my pride.

I shall be the one for you, in return,
Completing dreams, a love that will burn.
Oh, dearest mommy, my heart's melody,
In your arms, my place of eternity.
In clandestine conversations 'neath the moon's soft glow,
Whispers on the phone, a secret only we know.
While the world assumes a lover's tender plea,
It's with you, dear Mom, I share my heart so free.

Hours unfurl like petals in a timeless dance,
Yet boredom never weaves its tedious trance.
Misconceptions bloom like flowers in the mist,
For with you, my confidante, my solace exists.

Two thousand kilometres span our embrace,
Yet, closeness defies the measure of space.
No touch compares to your love's gentle grace,
A whispered solace in this distant place.

No hand compels me to partake the excess,
No watchful eye delves into my silence,
No joyous uproar, no mirthful finesse,
Yet, your love traverses this vast distance.

No one dispatches lunches through the driver,
No incessant calls to teachers, a refrain.
In this solitude, your love does remain,
A constant echo, soothing like the rain.

In the dance of destinies, if rebirth be granted,
I'd choose you as my daughter, love implanted.
To mend the gaps of love yet unmet,
Fulfilling wishes, a promise to beget.

In life's tapestry, you're my vital thread,
Imagining a world without you, fills me with dread.
For in your presence, completeness I find,
A symphony of souls, intricately entwined.

Your gaze, a haven, where judgment's unknown,
Supporting my whims, seeds of love sown.
Silent companion to my fanciful schemes,
You fulfill needs unspoken, like ethereal dreams.

You surpass all limits, pampering and more,
A smile on my lips, you diligently restore.
Yet, even if I could craft shoes from my own skin,
It wouldn't suffice to repay the love within.

describing the love of mom
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