The Senior Windsors Quite Hard-Working Individuals! Now, What Can I Possibly Say That's Printable? Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

The Senior Windsors Quite Hard-Working Individuals! Now, What Can I Possibly Say That's Printable?

By Stanley Collymore

Why is the United Kingdom the
only country that seems to
actually have, so many
ribbons to cut? No other countries, that
I'm aware of, whether they're distinctly
considerably larger, obviously smaller
or even basically of the same size as
our offshore European island Britain
seem to effectively have a family of
distinctively brothers, sisters, sons,
daughters and clearly indisputably
other relatives, irrefutably in place
to carry out, this quirky behaviour.

The USA with a population of over
300 million people doesn't, nor
do China or India evidently
with their very own individual citizenry
discernibly in excess of over a billion
each; but, all the same, they all quite
undeniably, do obviously manage to
cope rather admirably and similarly
efficiently without the undoubtedly
irrelevant superfluity of effectively
wholly conspicuously self-serving
relations, in what both manifestly
characteristically and undeniably
markedly also in Britain, is rather
simply, a consciously intentional
and effectively non-ending quite
glaringly, and also pretentiously
vitally, requisite familial regime!

Conversely in the USA: a quite
genuinely, major political
nation globally, very
much so unlike Britain, with the latter's
clearly risibly, actually undeniably and
both distinctively visible and likewise
obviously self-evidently 21st Century
very pitiably entrenched past glories
pretentions; it's distinctly simply the
incumbent President, or crucially as
alternative the Vice President: both
of whom are obviously and equally
also very significantly and actually
quite appropriately democratically
elected as they fittingly should be
that sensibly carries out any such
functions! However, where the UK
is concerned, it is unquestionably,
specifically a Saxe-Coburg-Gothe
Mountbatten-Windsor monopoly!
So I'll ask again! What is quite so
special very evidently about your
feudal Britain that with this clear
bunch of obviously monarchical
scroungers, you actually take to
daftly regarding their expensive
and also transiently engaged in
jollies as worthy and invaluable
vocations! Risibly an egregious
con, which undeniably, morons
like you truly won't understand!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
12 December 2023.

Author's Remarks:
A recently published medical report - 11 December 2023 to be precise - clearly shows the areas the UK and specifically England where the infection of cancer and actually dying of it is most commonplace. Not coincidentally these named areas are also the poorest ones societally in the United Kingdom. But most interestingly from detailed research likewise independently carried out and from stated addresses relative to their hateful to non-whites but quite avowedly enthusiastically enthralled by the Windsor family and their sycophancy towards the British feudal monarchy, the people living in these areas are distinctively in favour of retaining the monarchy, keeping their so-called traditions going, and even quite pathetically delude themselves that not only are the rest of the world envious of the UK having a monarchy, they likewise, argue these idiots, respect Britain immensely because it has one.

Meanwhile, as the Windsors continue to live their taxpayer funded and sumptuous way of life, it's these idiots who can't see doctors, make appointments or get the treatment that would extend or even save their lives that are dying like flies. Talk about lack of intelligence and brainwashed gullibility on their part. But then, whoever did say that these moronic lowlifes were ever clever! No one with a modicum of commonsense!

Personally, I couldn't give a toss about their demise, which is precisely what the famed eugenicist and their rather ironically voted for in an opinion poll as the 'greatest Englishman who ever lived' - never mind that he was at least half American - Winston Churchill intensely felt the same about the lot of them and their offspring as I do For putting it bluntly, they're no loss at anytime in their rather pathetic and thoroughly sad, racist lives to the discernibly decent people who must unfortunately with them live on this same Planet Earth.

Frankly, you lowlife and these privileged, self-entitled scum are welcomed to each other!

Already included in Author's Remarks.
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