From Christmas Day To Rapture Day! Poem by Denis Martindale

From Christmas Day To Rapture Day!

How many days must separate these great days of the Lord,
Though all our days we celebrate amazing grace outpoured?

And while it's true we're born again, as each of us discerns,
How many years must yet remain until God's Son returns?

God grants a crown for those who wait and pray for Rapture Day,
Though none of us yet know that date, for Israel we still pray.

Lord Jesus must fulfil God's plan. Amen. God's will be done.
So pray for Israel while you can, until God sends His Son.

For Christians have been grafted in, to all that Israel is,
So that our souls the Lord could win, to gain eternal bliss.

Denis Martindale, for the 12th of December 2023.

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