‘' Christmas, Can Become Your New Dawn ‘' Poem by Bri Mar

‘' Christmas, Can Become Your New Dawn ‘'

It's that time of year,
Filled with goodwill and cheer?
That's what some would have you believe,
To those living in fear,
Of when bombs next appear,
While you celebrate, they're left to grieve.

When a Nazi was slain,
Their response was insane,
Killing innocents became their new norm,
From this sick campaign,
It would soon become plain,
It's genocide, if you refuse to conform.

When evil you conceive,
It is you who will grieve,
You destroy without thinking, what for,
Though hard to believe,
They lived to deceive,
They ended up losing the war.

Those who maim and kill,
To them it's a drill,
It's barbarism, no more, no less,
The bloods they both spill,
Should give humanity a chill,
As it's the innocents who are left in distress.

To both Muslim and Jew,
This is nothing new,
They've been in conflict for too many years,
As more deaths they accrue,
The blame lies with who?
Regardless, it will all end in tears.

Both sides lay claim,
The other is to blame,
The fact is, the truth they both smother,
Their Gods name they defame,
Yet none of them feel shame,
For destroying the lives of another.

To be embroiled in a fight
For a Holy site,
Shows the world, your morals are broken,
Share the delight,
By doing what's right,
Live by the words God has spoken.

Put violence to the side,
It is brutal and snide,
Regardless of which side you're on,
Have a look deep inside,
Let your Gods be your guide,

‘' Christmas Can Become, Your New Dawn ‘'

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